MVG 20Jun22

Monday Video Goodness: Want to feel inspired?


Start your week inspired

Our semi-regular shot of creative revelation to kickstart your week

Hello again.

Welcome to the goodness. As an experiment we’ve decided to switch Friday Video Goodness to Monday Video Inspiration because we want you to start your week creatively inspired, rather than end it exhausted but happy.

Check out all the funny, amazing, innovative and exciting stuff we’ve dug out recently for you to enjoy.

Have a thoroughly splendid week.

Team Vermillion

Aviation Gin: Nick Cannon’s Vasectomy

Nick Cannon's Vasectomy

For Father’s Day last year, actorpreneurfootballmogul Ryan Reynolds lovingly created an eye-watering cocktail called the ‘Vasectomy’. This year Aviation Gin, the brand Reynolds recently sold for an even more eye-watering $600M, got comedian/actor/rapper Nick Cannon’s take on the recipe.

Proper Interactive Video

Vimeo are now offering fully interactive video. It branches, so you can do ‘choose your own adventure’ style films or offers e-commerce overlays. It’s brilliant so get in touch if you think there’s an opportunity for your business here.

Liquid Death: Taste Test

Liquid Death Flavors vs. The Most Expensive Beverages on Earth

Energy Drink liquid death invited 17 people to compare their $1.99 flavoured sparkling water with some of the most expensive drinks on earth. Some of these were 290x more expensive. The results are not for the queasy.

Movie Trailer of the week: Vengeance

Vengeance (2022) | Official Movie Trailer

Actor/comedian BJ Novak from the office is making his directorial debut in a movie about a radio host from New York City attempts to solve the murder of his not very serious girlfriend and travels south to investigate the circumstances of her death and discover what happened to her.

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